Thursday, January 21, 2010

Was that a Lucid Dream or what?

My whole day has been sort of a blur. Surreal. I have no clue what I accomplished. Sort of like a swirl of emotions and thoughts. Hazy. Much to melodramatic, but with quiet undertones.

I figured it would be best to try and pull myself out from the rubble of my mind. Maybe some music might help me be more productive and focused.
Turned to my friend Pandora radio and selected my station. Nothing to loud today,needed something quieter. Music started. Ryan Adams was first. A song called "Stop". Whoa,not sure that helped. Love the song but I find myself sinking a bit more into the melodramatic laced with despair.

Couple of other songs came along that I think got me on the right track. Don't remember what. Then all of a sudden I get hit with this sound that was like a swirling ocean and waves. Waves of beautiful sound. I know I am scaring you now.
But stay with all turns out o.k.

Get up from my jewelry making and go back to the computer to check out what it is I am hearing. Hilary Stagg is the artist and the song is "Pleasant Dreams".
I start to research him and find out that he loved to scuba dive, plays an incredible electric harp, and had an untimely death. Can't find out how he died though. Cut off. Gone. So of course my melodrama intensifies.

The next hour is a little bit blurry but I find myself reading about lucid dreaming. I hate to sound stupid in case this is a well known deal but I had no clue.
How people try to pull themselves into their dreams at night and make them go the way the want them to go.
All these techniques to achieve it.
Geez, its hard enough for me to remember the proper brew time for white,green or black tea let alone learn how to dream. How on earth could I possibly learn how to be a lucid dreamer?
Besides I always thought the best part of hitting the pillow was "lights out". This is all so confusing.
Thank goodness that I came across the following video. The wonderful insanity woke me up!! Its called Lucid Dreaming in a Holographic World.

Not sure my reality will let me delve into my dreams right now, but at the same time my dreams will never leave my reality.( Am I sounding like the video?)
And you know what? I think that once in awhile my dreaming pays off a little.
Like the necklace below that was created out one of those moments. Its called
"Dream a Little Dream with me."

I hope you enjoy it. Oh! And do me a favor and look up Hilary Stagg. His music may do wonders for you on those dreamy sort of days. And to quote Steve Tyler...Dream on baby ..dream on!


MOLLYC said...

Hey, I love the necklace! I haven't visited in awhile, but I have made a new year resolution to be a better blog follower. Hope all is well with you. Keep up the gorgeous work! m

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